Another Beauty Of The Wedding-Rainbow-colored Cakes

A large part of modern wedding is western. So, the main color is white. Maybe we need some thing colorful to warm the big party. As we all know wedding gowns is the most important part of the wedding and the cakes is the second. In addition to traditional cake, we can use a rainbow-colored cake to decorate the Love Festival.

The Most Eye-Catching Appearance Of The Rainbow

rainbow strip wedding cake
rainbow strip wedding cake

The simple decoration is rainbow colored stripes. In order to avoid the sense of duplication and single, you can use small different colorful cakes with fruit shape to enhance the visual sense. At the same time, it can encho the rainbow theme. In addition to rainbow stripes, you also can apply the “polka dot”to the cake making. It can make the cake more fashion. Decorate with colored particles and plus a three-dimensional flower at the top can better to break the monotony of the level.

Make Rainbow Cakes With Props


Maybe the surface decoration and color of the cake can not meet your desire, then you can use props. For example,a group of colored butterflies stop on a white cake. You also can coverthe cake with multicolored flags. It may suitable for the wedding that guests from all over the world. Mark the name of areas on each side of the flag may be a creativity.

A Variety Of Small Rainbow Cake


You can also use red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple to make a fuss. Make the cake turn into a lollipop shape, each lollipop is a color in a row, it will be a beautiful landscape.

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Football Theme Wedding

If you and your beloved he or she are the Word Cup fans, creative football them wedding will certainly be your first choice .

Creative Bridal Styling

Whoever wants to possess a soccer theme wedding has to give up your beloved floor length wedding dresses, and instead, short wedding dresses become a  preferred choice. What’s more, there are a lot of small details can reflect the ideas from the bride’s dresses, such as the football-themed nail which is absolutely enough to steal the spotlight of others. Jewelry choices should give more consideration to the circular ones, so the overall shape of the bride echoed more with the wedding theme.

World Cup theme NailsShort Wedding Dresses

Football theme wedding photos

To get your wedding more creative,  an innovative wedding photo is essential when the football hit the wedding.

Word Cup Theme Wedding Photons

Flower girl turned caddy

Look at the adorable children that holding soccer balls, don’t you also want to have a word cup theme wedding?

Flower Girls with Football

 Football wedding desserts

Here is a wedding “Best Supporting Actor” friend – wedding desserts. A small dessert of football shape can not only satisfies guests’ taste but also enrich the wedding theme. No matter which team you are in(as a fan), there is no competition, only sweet blessings remains on the wedding.

Soccer Theme Cake

Do you like the fun-filled football theme wedding? Why not follow the footsteps of the World Cup and hold a football theme wedding ? So it will definitely give you an unforgettable memory.

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Selecting just the Right Wedding Cakes to go for your Wedding

There are quite a number of procedures that one would have to undergo in order to allow their wedding ceremony plans fall perfectly in place. One would need to consider with great carefulness throughout a tedious and rigorous pile of tasks on selecting the setting of the location, the amount of guests that are to attend, and the wedding dress perfect for the bride, and one of the most important things in the wedding – the wedding cake. Of course, if one would like to host a wedding ceremony for guests to attend, it would be natural and logical for them to be expecting something grand and great, and so, no one would ever want to disappoint them with a terribly designed simple white-frosted cake that looks nothing of a wedding cake at all.

You may be in search of a perfect wedding cake and have found only a bunch of plain and unappetizing ones. In case you have not already found the right wedding cake for yourself, here are some suggestions that you could take that would do you justice for your hard work in planning for your personal and glorious wedding ceremony. Rest assured, they would not only be sumptuous and sweet as your wedding full of love would be, they would look greatly beautiful to pair it with the beautiful bride on the wedding ceremony.

A wedding is not just about a beautiful bride in a sassy and glamorous wedding dress alongside a handsome bridegroom in a suit holding her hands. It consists as well, of guests and props, and of course, not forgetting, the sweet wedding cake. For most cases, people could only conceive of simplistic white wedding cakes, with little to absolutely zero decorations atop or around the cake, this would inevitably make the cake look nothing close to something appetizing that anyone would hope to savor and munch in. What a wedding cake needs is an upgrade, with not only layers, but colors and flowery designs.
wedding cake

You could opt for a wedding cake like the one above for your wedding ceremony. In fact, you could pair it with a lovely pink wedding dress if you would like. The outlook of a wedding cake like this has, firstly, an interesting design, there is due sophistication to make an appearance that does not seem blatantly simplistic and undone. On top of that, wedding cakes like this have harmonious colors that cause the wedding cake to look very appetizing, people would definitely fall for this cake if you had this in your wedding ceremony. The color white and pink are perfect combinations to form an ideal wedding cake.

wedding cakeAre you interested in nature and all its greenness? This cake definitely does justice for your great interest in nature, you could opt for something that takes the features of nature, not only the flowers are great, so are the leaves. The entire cake takes a vastly different hue from the regular ‘white wedding cakes’, the icing is all in light green, with the flowers and leaves, you would get salivating guests hoping to get their hands on the cake as soon as possible.

The trick to choosing wedding cakes would be to harmonize colors, and that would be the first thing. Following color harmony would be that you could attempt at trying different themes and add accessories like flowers, all of these are great ways to make your beautiful wedding cake more appetizing.

2016 Winter Wedding Popular Colors TOP10

PANTONE announced its 2016 autumn and winter fashion wedding color TOP 10.  This season color themes based on time and place, intake inspiration from the arts, tourism, landscape and even retro design and achieve the color trends 2016 fall and winter wedding. Now will bring you a full look.

Romantic Orchids Purple Tone


As the major colour of 2016, PANTONE’s definition of Radiant Orchid is charming, magical and somewhat mysterious. Combined the Radiant Orchid with fog purple, the use of different levels of same color can often receive unexpected results. At the same time, it also can inject more fascinating elements for your wedding.

Noble Royal Blue Tone

royal blue wedding tone
royal blue wedding tone

Royal Blue is traditional and elegant. It will not make you feel old-fashioned and can make sure that you do not over-emphasis on appearance. It can make everything seems simply- interspersed with white shades in royal blue will make your wedding more solemn elegance.

Shiny Aluminum White Tone


Imagine of glistening white Aluminum tone, it will make you be the wedding absolute protagonist. Aluminum white color close to Christmas color, mix aluminum white with blurred yellow in the ninety-month wedding will bring a different fashion mood for your wedding.

Dazzling Aurora red

Dazzling aurora red wedding 2016
Dazzling aurora red wedding 2016

Bright red aurora is very suitable heralded the fall harvest wedding, while Aurora red also make the entire wedding look more luxurious luxury.

Vibrant Blurred Yellow

blurred yellow wedding 2016
blurred yellow wedding 2016

Blurred yellow full of vigor and vitality, use blurred yellow as the main colors of the wedding will bring surprises for the dull autumn.

Bright Wine Red


Red wine is a favorite of many brides, it make people feel the earthy flavor of countryside. And burgundy bridesmaid dress can make your wedding even more beautiful.

Elegant Fog Purple


If you think that orchid purple is too blatantly, then purple mist must be your favorite, no matter what the season, this gentle and elegant tone always makes your wedding look fresh and natural.

Cognac Color


Cognac color is definitely the most primary color of wild autumn wedding. Put it with any kind of color, such as blurred yellow, purple and royal blue fog, can achieve very good results.

Cobalt Blue


Cobalt blue was very popular in 2013 and set off a strong wave of retro. Although in the traditional sense, we always like to combine cobalt blue and summer together, but perhaps put cobalt blue with silver, as well as gorgeous light lotus red binding on winter wedding also can build an extraordinary visual effect.

Cypress Green



At the first glance, Perhaps you will not like this tune, but if you put it with the soft white or ivory wedding scene will appear to be more personalized, elegant and refined. Early fall wedding with the main colors of cypress green is the most appropriate.